What is the default instance type for Azure?

What is the default instance type that Juju provisions for Azure if no constraints have been entered. In fact, even if I enter constraints, where can I find what instance-type was chosen by Juju?

I’m running Juju 2.7.6 (Not by choice, see topic here) against an Azure Credential in a new subscription. In this new subscription, I don’t necessarily have access to provision every “sku” that they have in their inventory. That said, if I run into a sku that I want to provision, it is a matter of submitting a request and typically Microsoft will grant said request.

My issue is that whatever is chosen for the default “instance-type” (unless I explicitly state it), is not a sku that I can provision. Typically I would grab the instance-type from the logs and then make the request to Microsoft to allow me access to pull that particular sku. But somehow the instance-type that has been chosen by Juju is not being output anywhere that I can find. I only get the error message below which doesn’t help me.

`controller-2: 19:31:42 ERROR juju.worker.provisioner cannot start instance for machine “1”: creating virtual machine “machine-1”: creating deployment “machine-1”: resources.DeploymentsClient#CreateOrUpdate:

Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 – Original Error: Code=“InvalidTemplateDeployment” Message=

"The template deployment failed with error: 'The resource with id: ‘/subscriptions/<subid>/resourceGroups/juju-tester-model-20edf2b6-69c8-4101-8f9a-48a8409bc1c7/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/machine-1’ failed validation with message:

‘The requested size for resource ‘/subscriptions/<subid>/resourceGroups/juju-tester-model-20edf2b6-69c8-4101-8f9a-48a8409bc1c7/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/machine-1’ is currently not available in location ‘southcentralus’ zones ‘’ for subscription ‘<subid>’. Please try another size or deploy to a different location or zones. See https://aka.ms/azureskunotavailable for details.’.’."`

Now if I add a constraint that calls out the “instance-type”, or if I pass it on the command line, then it works. It does not work if I call out “cores” + “mem” constraints. Now that I say that, I wonder if there is something amiss with the instance-type algorithm that derives the instance-type from the constraints. Anyways, that is what I am facing. I don’t want to have to call out an instance-type for everything. I would like to make it agnostic and be able to specify “cores” + “mem” constraints instead.