vSphere credential issue, "couldn't find instance"

I am running juju version 2.7.6-bionic-amd64 with a with a controller at version 2.75 where I have done the “juju set-credential” and then a juju update-credential cloud credential", but one vm fails to update. I get the following error output:

juju update-credential myvscloud bidwell
This operation can be applied to both a copy on this client and to the one on a controller.
Do you want to update credential “bidwell” on cloud “myvscloud” on:
1. client only (–client)
2. controller “myvscontroller” only (–controller myvscontroller)
3. both (–client --controller myvscontroller)
Enter your choice, or type Q|q to quit: 2
Credential valid for:
Credential invalid for:
couldn’t find instance “juju-b6e4b2-7” for machine 7
WARNING Controller credential “bidwell” for user “admin” for cloud “myvscloud” on controller “myvscontroller” not updated: some models are no longer visible.
Failed models may require a different credential.
Use ‘juju set-credential’ to change credential for these models before repeating this update.

How do I update the credentials on this one failed instance?

Originally posted here:

did you find any solution to this? I seem to have the same issue…

No, now I have 3 or 4 controllers that each have 1 machine that will not update its password, keeping the whole controller offline.

Can you describe what actions you have done and perhaps some screenshots or logs?

juju update-credential --force --show-log --verbose myvscloud bidwell
18:12:24 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:91 running juju [2.8.0 0 d816abe62fbf6787974e5c4e140818ca08586e44 gc go1.14.4]
This operation can be applied to both a copy on this client and to the one on a controller.
Do you want to update credential “bidwell” on cloud “myvscloud” on:
1. client only (–client)
2. controller “myvscontroller” only (–controller myvscontroller)
3. both (–client --controller myvscontroller)
Enter your choice, or type Q|q to quit: 3
Local client was updated successfully with provided credential information.
18:12:28 INFO juju.juju api.go:67 connecting to API addresses: []
18:12:28 INFO juju.api apiclient.go:637 connection established to “wss://”
Credential valid for:
Credential invalid for:
couldn’t find instance “juju-b6e4b2-7” for machine 7
Failed models may require a different credential.
Use ‘juju set-credential’ to change credential for these models.
18:12:29 INFO cmd supercommand.go:544 command finished

ping juju-b6e4b2-7
PING juju-b6e4b2-7.juju.andrews.edu ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from juju-b6e4b2-7.juju.andrews.edu ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.212 ms

I don’t know why it can’t find the model.

This might help although not the same scenario?