[Video] Running Android in the Cloud with Amazon EC2 A1 instances (includes demo of Juju)

I’ve just come across a blog post from @morphis that uses Juju to orchestrate a high-density container cluster within EC2 A1 instances:

By combining our tools for application modeling and high-density Linux container management we were able to quickly spin up a large number of machines on Amazon EC2 A1 instances running native Android applications. This could have a number of interesting applications in mobile application testing and distribution.

Specifically, at AWS re:Invent, we demonstrated a fully automated solution deployed by Juju to run Android within LXD containers in the cloud and stream out the display of a gaming app from an Amazon EC2 A1 instance to a mobile phone over the internet. We ran 10 containers each providing an individual Android system on the same EC2 instance. As Ubuntu natively supports a wide range of server architectures including x86-64, Arm, POWER and S390X we used the very same technology our users are familiar with.

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That is wicked cool!