OpenStack and Juju

List of supported clouds > OpenStack

This document describes details specific to using your existing OpenStack cloud with Juju.

See more: OpenStack

When using the OpenStack cloud with Juju, it is important to keep in mind that it is a (1) machine cloud and (2) not some other cloud.

See more: Cloud differences in Juju

As the differences related to (1) are already documented generically in our Tutorial, How-to guides, and Reference docs, here we record just those that follow from (2).

Juju points of variation Notes for the OpenStack cloud
setup (chronological order):
supported versions: Any version that supports:
- compute v2 (Nova)
- network v2 (Neutron) (optional)
- volume2 (Cinder) (optional)
- identity v2 or v3 (Keystone)
requirements: TBA
definition: :information_source: If you want to use the novarc file (recommended):
Source the OpenStack RC file (source <path to file>). This will allow Juju to detect values from preset OpenStack environment variables. Run add-cloud in interactive mode and accept the suggested defaults.
- name: user-defined
- type: openstack
- authentication types: [access-key, userpass]
- regions: [TO BE ADDED]
- cloud-specific model configuration keys: external-network (string)
The network label or UUID to create floating IP addresses on when multiple external networks exist.

network (string)
The network label or UUID to bring machines up on when multiple networks exist.

policy-target-group (string) The UUID of Policy Target Group to use for Policy Targets created.

use-default-secgroup (bool) Whether new machine instances should have the default Openstack security group assigned in addition to juju defined security groups.

use-openstack-gbp (bool) Whether to use Neutrons Group-Based Policy.

definition: If you want to use environment variables (recommended):
Source the OpenStack RC file (see above). Run add-credential and accept the suggested defaults.
notes on bootstrap: You will need to create an OpenStack machine metadata. If the metadata is available locally, you can pass it to Juju via juju bootstrap ... --metadata-source <path to metadata simplestreams.
> See more: How to configure machine image metadata

If your cloud has multiple private networks: You will need to specify the one that you want the instances to boot from via juju bootstrap ... --model-default network=<network uuid or name>.

If your cloud’s topology requires that its instances are accessed via floating IP addresses: Pass the allocate-public-ip=true (see constraints below) as a bootstrap constraint.

other (alphabetical order:)
conflicting: [instance-type] vs. [mem, root-disk, cores]
- allocate-public-ip :white_check_mark:
- arch :white_check_mark:
- container :white_check_mark:
- cores :white_check_mark:
- cpu-power :x:
- image-id :white_check_mark: (Starting with Juju 3.3)
Type: String.
Valid values: An OpenStack image ID.
- instance-role :x:
- instance-type :white_check_mark:
Valid values: Any (cloud admin) user defined OpenStack flavor.
- mem :white_check_mark:
- root-disk :white_check_mark:
- root-disk-source :white_check_mark:
root-disk-source is either local or volume.
- spaces :x:
- tags :x:
- virt-type :white_check_mark:
Valid values: [kvm, lxd].
- zones :white_check_mark:
<machine> TBA
subnet=... :x:
system-id=... :x:
zone=... :white_check_mark:
RESOURCE (cloud)

Consistent naming, tagging, and the ability to add user-controlled tags to created instances.


Contributors: @hallback

We should tell people to do

juju bootstrap ... --model-default use-floating-ip=true

instead of

juju bootstrap ... --config use-floating-ip=true

because the latter only affects the default model, whereas the former will affect all models the user will create. See Configuring models. I personally wasted a lot of time because of this. I was creating my own model right after bootstrapping the controller and couldn’t understand why that option had no effect.

Oh wow, I feel your pain. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I’ll update the recommendation. [Edit: I’ve made several changes to the document. Hopefully it’s easier to follow now.]

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@timClicks Thanks for the quick reaction! It’s actually --model-default, not --model-defaults (or do both work?). It’s easy to mix up with juju model-defaults which takes an ‘s’ :wink:

Fixed! Thanks for taking another look :slight_smile:

Perhaps "$ openstack network list " is missing here.

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Thank you! I’ve made the change.