Trying to build modified layer-elasticsearch by Omnivector

Hi guys,

I have a modified charm of layer-elasticsearch that fails when buildning. As a matter of fact the original with no editing from me fail aswell.

Error message:

build: Processing layer: layer:options
build: Processing layer: layer:basic
build: Processing layer: layer:status
build: Processing layer: layer:apt
build: Processing layer: layer:elastic-base
build: Processing layer: layer:leadership
build: Processing layer: elasticsearch (from src)
build: Processing interface: elasticsearch
build: Processing interface: elasticsearch
build: Processing interface: elasticsearch
build: Processing interface: elasticsearch Missing implementation for interface role:

Iā€™m guessing a might be running a to new version of the charm snap?
Is it because does not include a peer?

Anyone have any ideas?

Never mind this!

I found out that charm build was indeed trying to get the juju-solutions official interface.
Solved this by adding the layer in the local repository :slight_smile: