Nova-compute unable to Copy on Write from glance image


With a normal and correct deployment of Openstack with ceph as storage backend you are able to utilize the snapshot features of ceph to basically instantly copy a Glance image and boot the instance with nova.
This requires that cephx is correct and the user client.nova-compute has “rwx” access to the glance pool.
I am also using RAW images.

However i have verified that my config is correct but still, it does not work. I have verified against a separate staging cluster.

Example of my ceph auth

  key: foobar1==
  caps: [mon] allow r; allow command "osd blacklist"
  caps: [osd] allow rwx
  key: foobar2==
  caps: [mon] allow r; allow command "osd blacklist"
  caps: [osd] allow rwx
  key: foobar3==
  caps: [mon] allow r; allow command "osd blacklist"
  caps: [osd] allow rwx

It is the same for our Production and Staging environments. But still it does not work in production.
I get these errors from nova-compute.log:

2019-09-25 12:24:34.452 87448 DEBUG nova.virt.libvirt.imagebackend [req-bdf268b7-ce68-4a0d-94e8-a040d4d182c7 dcfc6807c683426697a698b2b1db2aa8 809617a6db2641a9b219a32548a9a75e - 2eb5f30ff25e4a7fae1e6a059a6a8587 2eb5f30ff25e4a7fae1e6a059a6a8587] Image locations are: [{'url': 'rbd://b%273bc43fec-6042-11e9-9012-00163e6d2e65%27/glance/106b5da6-e82c-49f3-9ce7-bdba47d5fec4/snap', 'metadata': {}}, {'url': 'rbd://b%273bc43fec-6042-11e9-9012-00163e6d2e65%27/glance/106b5da6-e82c-49f3-9ce7-bdba47d5fec4/snap', 'metadata': {}}] clone /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/
2019-09-25 12:24:34.472 87448 DEBUG [req-bdf268b7-ce68-4a0d-94e8-a040d4d182c7 dcfc6807c683426697a698b2b1db2aa8 809617a6db2641a9b219a32548a9a75e - 2eb5f30ff25e4a7fae1e6a059a6a8587 2eb5f30ff25e4a7fae1e6a059a6a8587] rbd://b%273bc43fec-6042-11e9-9012-00163e6d2e65%27/glance/106b5da6-e82c-49f3-9ce7-bdba47d5fec4/snap is in a different ceph cluster is_cloneable /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/storage/
2019-09-25 12:24:34.487 87448 DEBUG [req-bdf268b7-ce68-4a0d-94e8-a040d4d182c7 dcfc6807c683426697a698b2b1db2aa8 809617a6db2641a9b219a32548a9a75e - 2eb5f30ff25e4a7fae1e6a059a6a8587 2eb5f30ff25e4a7fae1e6a059a6a8587] rbd://b%273bc43fec-6042-11e9-9012-00163e6d2e65%27/glance/106b5da6-e82c-49f3-9ce7-bdba47d5fec4/snap is in a different ceph cluster is_cloneable /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/storage/

Please help :slight_smile:

Update on this.
I found this bug referencing something similar. This leaves me to believe that i have a bug and need to update.

My plan is to patch the compute nodes and controllers and try again.

That bug does appear to be affecting you, but it doesn’t look like it’s fix-released yet for you to be able to apply directly. You’ll want to wait until your revision of openstack and ubuntu release are marked as fix-released before performing the patching and re-attempt.
Edit: I may be mistaken about the release status.