Juju's got the wrong idea about the controller's IP addresses

I’ve got a controller on lxd locally. This morning I noticed that Juju has the wrong idea what the controller’s IPs are. Not sure what happened but perhaps the container got restarted.

This is the controller:

$ lxc list
| juju-568192-0    | RUNNING | (eth0)  | fd00::1:216:3eff:fe1a:b851 (eth0)         | CONTAINER             | 0         |
|                  |         |                      | another.ipv6.address (eth0) |                       |           |

and this is what juju thinks it needs to hit

$ juju --debug status                                                                                                    ~
10:02:05 INFO  juju.cmd supercommand.go:91 running juju [2.8-rc3 0 7af5ef814c95d4ea13d3039ee1f59763c52cc5d6 gc go1.14.3]
10:02:05 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:92   args: []string{"/snap/juju/12214/bin/juju", "--debug", "status"}
10:02:05 INFO  juju.juju api.go:67 connecting to API addresses: [[fd00::1:216:3eff:fe2d:128b]:17070 [some.other.ipv6.address.in.my.prefix]:17070]

I broke into the controller using lxc shell and tried to add as an address manually. This worked in as much as I could telnet to it from the outside, but it didn’t fix any juju commands for some reason.

$ telnet 17070                                                                                             ~
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Any way I can fix up juju’s idea of what reality is?

Ah, thanks to achilleasa on IRC I found ~/.local/share/juju/controllers.yaml - that fixed it.