Get started with Charmed Kubeflow


I just followed the tutorial.

All pods work normally, but the following error occurs.

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Hey @kkhe56, looks like something is going on with the MySQL databases.

With a quick look the root problems seem to be katib-db and kfp-db, which are using the mysql-k8s charms. The other charms then are blocked because kfp-api is waiting for the database.

We’ll need to further dig into your environment to understand why the DB charms are in “unknown” state. Could you follow up with an issue in where the team can follow up and ask for more technical details?

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I think that this can now all be replaced by just running juju bootstrap microk8s, as Juju can automatically connect itself to microk8s.

The 3.1/stable channel is now only available with strict confinement, and will spit out a warning if you try to install it with --classic:

itrue@kubeflow:~$ sudo snap install --classic --channel 3.1/stable juju
Warning: flag --classic ignored for strictly confined snap juju

juju (3.1/stable) 3.1.7 from Canonical✓ installed

This should be --watch 5s, rather than -watch 5s

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hi there,

   kindly advise how to create multiple users login in kubeflow dashboard in juju kubeflow ,coz by default its coming with static user&pass , we required multiple user profile for dev please support us .